Ecological Interactions

Species Asort descendingInteractionSpecies BLink
Pyroderces simplex eatsGossypium view
Pyroderces simplex eatsGossypium view
Pyroderces simplex eatsGossypium on lintview
Pyroderces simplex eatsGossypium barbadense view
Pyroderces simplex eatsGossypium herbaceum view
Pyroderces simplex eatsGossypium herbaceum on flowersview
Pyroderces simplex eatsPennisetum view
Pyroderces simplex eatsPunica granatum view
Pyroderces simplex eatsPunica granatum view
Pyroderces simplex eatsRicinus view
Pyroderces simplex eatsSorghum view
Pyroderces simplex eatsThespesia populnea view
Pyroderces simplex eatsThespesia populnea on podsview
Pyroderces simplex eatsThespesia populnea on cobsview
Pyroderces simplex eatsZea mays view
Pyroderces simplex eatsZea mays view
Pyroderces terminella eatsZea mays in deserted paper-wasp nestsview
Pyroderces terminella eatsZea mays on Nephila spider eggsview
Pyroderces terminella eatsZea mays on dead insectsview
Pyroderces terminella eatsZea mays on fallen leavesview
Pyroderces terminella eatsZea mays on gallsview
Pyroderces tripola eatsZea mays in nest-material of Vespidaeview
Pyroderces? eatsZea mays on seedsview
Pyroderces rileyi eatsZea mays view
Pyroderces rileyi eatsZea mays on husksview
Pyroderces sesamivora eatsZea mays on seedsview
Pyroderces similis eatsPandanus view
Pyroderces simplex eatsPandanus on decaying plantsview
Pyroderces simplex eatsPandanus in bamboo stalksview
Pyroderces simplex eatsPandanus in tree fruits/seedsview


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith